These 10 Yoga Poses Feel Great After Sitting All Day | livestrong

2022-10-16 03:55:04 By :

Feeling stiff and achy after sitting all day? You're not alone: research from the CDC, published November 2018 in ‌JAMA‌, found one in four Americans are sitting eight-plus hours a day. And whether working, studying or browsing the internet, sitting too much can lead to tight hips and back pain.

When we stay seated for a long period of time, our knees, hips and spine are in constant flexion, which, over time, can cause both poor posture and body aches. However, there are several yoga poses that are great at targeting our hips, spine, neck and back. And with consistent practice, we can help counteract the negative effects of too much sitting.

These 10 beginner-friendly yoga poses will help your body find physical relief after sitting all day, as well as bring more awareness to your daily posture, reduce stress and help you find ease throughout your day. No need to do them all at once — feel free to fit them in throughout your day as needed. Hold each pose for 5 to 10 breaths before repeating on the opposite side.

Cat/cow opens the back and stretches the chest, shoulders, neck and spine, which makes this combo pose extremely effective and beneficial after a long day at your desk. Cat/cow also helps release any residual tension from your day.

This essential and ache-easing pose stretches the spine, hamstrings and hips, while strengthening the spine and improving posture. And the optional arm bind helps open the chest and upper back.

This foundational pose stretches the entire body, but particularly targets the shoulders and spine. This pose can also help with relieving headaches that may happen after staring at your screen for a long time.

Our hips are in prolonged flexion when sitting all day, but when we're in lunge pose, our back leg is in hip extension, which will help you find great relief. Additionally, lunge pose is a great at stretching tight quads and hamstrings and strengthening the arms, hips, shoulders and back.

This pose is major chest opener that helps increase mobility in the shoulders and back, while strengthening the back and upper legs. Camel pose also helps improve posture, which is key when you spend most of the day at a desk.

Also serving as a hip opener, Garland pose offers shoulder retraction (which is great at improving your posture) as you draw you shoulder blades down your back. And all of this helps combat the effects at sitting all day.

This mild backbend strengthens your arms and upper and lower back while stretching your chest, shoulders and abdominals.

This graceful-looking pose opens the chest, hips and shoulders while stretching the spine, neck, hips, thighs and abdominals. Pigeon also relieves tight hips that come from long hours of sitting. When practiced regularly, this pose can improve flexibility and range of motion.

This yoga pose is one of the best hip openers for stiff hips. Happy baby realigns and stretches the spine and helps reduce lower back pain.

This chest opener helps counter the constant shoulder slouching that you endure when sitting all day at a computer. The support comes from yoga blocks, but a stack of books would also work.